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Come on in and cover him!

Ted Leo performs Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing in the Dark".

Brian Fallon of Gaslight Anthem performs Bruce Springsteen's "Backstreets".

Juliana Hatfield: Cover Me (Cover)
The woman with the girlish voice covers the second single from Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A.

Matt Kearney: Atlantic City (Live)
Kearny performs Springsteen's best-known song off his 1982 release, Nebraska.

Tom Gabel (of Against Me!): Reason to Believe
The Against Me! frontman gives an intimate and full-throated rendition of Springsteen's reason to Believe.

The Bouncing Souls: Growin' Up (Live)
The band covers the song from Springsteen's debut album, Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.


« Meet me at Kamata station, don't be late! | Main | Dear RIAJ & major record companies in Japan, here's my suggestion list for banned albums. »


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